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Welcome to True Sanctuary of Praise (TSOP) where we believe the Bible is the inerrant Word of God. At TSOP, we welcome people of all backgrounds, ethnicity and economic status. Our hope is that all our members and visitors feel loved and welcome. And once here, we pray that you will be filled with the word of God. If you are looking for a church home or in town visiting, we invite you to come worship with us.

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Our Mission


To disciple the unbeliever unto Christ while the follower now conforms to the Word of God. This process will be engaged through Apostolic Teaching and Prophetic Intercession that manifest our Lord’s presence.

Acts 6:4 (AMP)

But we will (continue to) devote (steadfastly) to prayer and to the ministry of the word”.

Our Vision

True Sanctuary of Praise is committed to bringing followers of Christ into true fellowship with Jesus. throughout the United States and abroad in foreign territory. We will use our ministry model as a starting place to help educate and mentor partners, leaders, and ministries.

1 Timothy 4:13 (AMP) 
Until I come, devote yourself to public reading [of Scripture], to preaching and to teaching [the sound doctrine of God’s word].






Services are held in the main Church:

Sunday Morning service is at 10:00AM EST

Wednesday Bible Academy is at 7:00PM EST

Additional events/services will be announced during church announcements, through our TSOP Talks monthly newsletter and via our website.

Quick Reference

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TSOP's Bible College & Monthly Meetings

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Mission & Vision

To be a foundation that propels and properly educates, equips, empowers, and positions individuals to fulfill their assignment in God through biblical teaching and a Christian learning experience.

True Sanctuary of Praise Bible College & Seminary is an institution geared at propelling individuals toward their purpose by laying a scriptural foundation through training, education, and empowering believers for a lifetime of purposeful service to Jesus Christ and His Kingdom.

All True Sanctuary of Praise Bible College & Seminary certifications and/or degrees are centered on the Bible and of an ecclesiastical nature. They are designed to create a hunger & thirst for His Word and a proficiency of the Gospel. 


Our courses of the Bible, Christian Counseling, Christian Education/Ministry, Discipleship, Divinity, and Leadership will equip and empower you to establish or further your Christian development and experience.

“Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth” (2 Timothy 2:15, NKJV).

Service Media

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TSOP Talks is a monthly newsletter that is designed to keep all partners engaged, informed, and empowered to do the work of The Lord. It will include each month's highlights, recurring ministry events, and important announcements that we want to convey to all our partners.

Monthly Meetings

Leadership Academy will be held on the 3rd Saturday of every month @ 10 AM EST

Ministry Lead meeting will be held directly following the Leadership Academy meeting

Taking Off The Gloves (Men's Ministry) will be held on the 2nd Monday of every month @ 7PM EST


P.T.O.W. (Women's Ministry) will be held on the 2nd Thursday of every month @ 7:30 PM EST

Real, Raw, Relevant will be held on the 1st Friday of every month at 7PM EST

Seasoned Saints will be held on the 2nd Saturday of every month at 10:30AM EST

Intercessory Prayer/Altar Night will be held the last Friday of every month at 7PM EST

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